About Scholarship
Scholarships and professional awards are mutually exclusive. Students awarded more than one scholarship or award may retain only one and must forfeit the rest. Candidates do not need to indicate their interest or make separate applications for scholarships or awards. Candidates will be considered automatically and the admission committee determines scholarship and award recipients based on the overall quality of submitted applications and profiles. HKUST MBA reserves the final right of decision on the grant of scholarship and award.
HKUST MBA Alumni Referral Scheme
An alumni referral scheme was established to attract bright minds from diverse backgrounds. Successful applicants who either invite HKUST MBA or EMBA alumni to be their referees or are returning alumni of HKUST degree programs may benefit from the scheme.
Various governmental and private organizations offer student loans to international students from different countries.
Here is a list of some selected institutions:
For Canadian Citizens
The Bank of Montreal offers the Professional Student Line of Credit scheme for admitted MBA candidates from Canada. The loan is available at a competitive rate with a maximum credit limit of around C$20,000. For more details, please visit the bank’s Student Professionals section here.
For Hong Kong Residents
If you are a Hong Kong resident, you may be eligible for a Non-Means Tested Loan provided by the Government Student Financial Assistance Agency. The loan amount is capped at the payable tuition fee amount, and the loan repayment period can extend to 10 years after completion of the program.
Our program is also listed as a reimbursable course by the Continuing Education Fund. This fund provides reimbursement of up to HK$20,000 for those who fulfill the criteria.
For Indian Citizens
HDFC Credila, a non-bank finance company, offers an education loan to Indian citizens attending overseas universities. The loan is available at a competitive interest rate and can cover up to 100% of educational expenses. Please visit HDFC Credila’s website here for more details.
For Singaporean Citizens
A maximum credit limit of up to eight times the monthly income of applicants is available. (Click here for more details)
For UK Citizens
If you are a UK resident and are intending to work in the UK, the EU or the EEA after completing your program, you may be eligible for a Professional and Career Development Loan (PCDL). This is a deferred-repayment commercial bank loan program administered by the Skills Funding Agency, in partnership with participating banks. The loan amount ranges from £300 to £10,000. The Skills Funding agency will pay the interest on the loan on behalf of successful applicants for the duration of their studies.
Our Full-time MBA program (16-month mode with internship and international exchange) is a registered PCDL program. For more information, please visit https://www.gov.uk/career-development-loans or call 0800 100 900 to order an application pack.
The Franklin Fund is open for application for HKUST Full-time MBA students.
Franklin Fund for Business Competitions
HKUST Business School (SBM) is honored to receive a generous donation from the Morris S. Smith Foundation. Known as “Franklin Fund for Business Competitions”, the fund aims to acquire MBA students with international business competition experiences by providing financial support. Purposes The Franklin Fund is open for application for HKUST Full-time MBA students. The fund is being established for the following purposes:
• To provide partial funding support to MBA students to engage in business case, business plan and entrepreneurship competitions outside Hong Kong (including but not limited to competition entrance fees, passport and visa costs, vaccinations, travel, lodging and meals)
• To recognize and honor Professor Laurence C. Franklin for his 20 years of teaching as an Adjunct Professor at the SBM
• To encourage alumni of SBM to consider establishing and donating to the Franklin Fund or to similar endowment funds to benefit the SBM
For enquiry, please contact Full-time MBA Program Team at mbaft@ust.hk.
The Business School is neither connected to nor affiliated with the above finance companies, institutions or organizations and offers no involvement or assistance in obtaining their services. International students must independently contact the companies and organizations and seek independent advice before seeking any study loan services.