Our career coaches are all seasoned executives from various industries. They will guide you through the discovery stage to a sustainable career that matches your passion, plan a practical job search strategy, help you with interview preparation, and sharpen your skills.
With their commercial perspectives and experience, they can provide insider tips for success, including topics like “turning an internship into a full-time job,” “how to navigate a large corporation,” “how to present yourself in front of an interviewer/senior executive,” etc.
In addition to their coaching experiences, our career advisors provide Full-time MBA students with tailored advice grounded in leading MBA career assessment tools. We utilize CareerLeader, originally developed at Harvard Business School and now used by top global MBA programs. This tool is specifically designed for business students and rising executives, aiding them in making informed career choices and decisions based on data-driven insights. It includes expert assessments of one's business-relevant interests, skills, and motivators, as well as career-matching capabilities and information on organizational cultures.