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March 30, 2023 (Thu)

Networking is about connecting people with people, people with ideas and people with opportunities. 

“...the relationships that you develop, doing homework with your classmates, working on different projects, hearing what they’re doing in their careers. That opens up all kinds of new ideas,” says Chris Pereira, HKUST MBA alumnus of Class 2021.

“So when you go into the MBA you think you’re going one way but when you meet the classmates that are with you, who are also ambitious, are working in the middle of a growing career also, that can lead to so many new ideas.”

In a coming webinar, Prof. Stephen Shih, Associate Dean (HKUST MBA programs), will have a dialogue with our alumni regarding the close ties between students. HKUST Bi-weekly Part-time MBA program helps students build a solid network through a specially designed weekend-get-together class arrangement. Students come to our Clear Water Bay Campus in Hong Kong on alternate weekends. 

Webinar details:

Date: Mar 30, 2023 (Thu)

Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Format: Online via Zoom