Propel My Business with DiMBA

“The DiMBA will help me gain understanding of business from the Asia’s perspectives, so I can make the best decisions and lead my company to succeed.”

dimba kazu

Until recently, Kazuhiro has been working as a digital strategy consultant. As he joined his family business in July 2021, Kazuhiro decided that MBA is his essential next step to take in order to prepare himself to take up the company. 

Kazuhiro, knowing that you have taken up a family business after being consultant for some years. Can you share the background of your family business and your current role?

Before joining my father’s company, I worked at the Japan Research Institute as a digital consultant. Prior to that, I was a consultant at Accenture.

Our family business specializes in plastic manufacturing and sewerage pipe construction. I am now the senior manager of the Business Management Department, leading a team of 25 members. Under the department, there are various divisions such as general administrations, human resources, finance, overseas business development, etc. 

Transition from consulting to running a business is a big change. What motivates you to take up a MBA study at this point?

Yes, it is definitely a challenge to transform from consulting to running a business. While I have the background and knowledge on technologies and business reform, I am aware of my lack of general management skills. I wish to acquire systematic business knowledge in order to have a comprehensive context of the business world.

I’m expected to become to president of the company in 2027, hence it is essential to upgrade my skills and be prepared. 

What attracts you to HKUST, and why DiMBA in particular?

It’s a huge responsibility for me to take up our family company. The flexible study mode of DiMBA allows me to pursue further studies without impacting my work. I also appreciate the additional option for me to attend face to face classes in Hong Kong with traditional full-time and part-time MBA students, so that I can further expand my network beyond my own DiMBA classmates. 

Another great advantage of the DiMBA is the proximity between Japan and Hong Kong. The little time difference makes it possible for me to enhance my interactions with faculty and classmates without hassle.  

Can you share with us your vision on your business, and how the DiMBA can help you achieve that?

I will become the president of the company in 2027 and continue to lead it until 2048, which is the 100th anniversary of its founding. I am working on expanding our sewage business into South Korea and Thailand in 2-3 years. The DiMBA will help me gain understanding of business from the Asia’s perspectives, so I can make the best decisions and lead my company to succeed. 

I look forward to collaborating with my classmates by contributing my knowledge and industry experiences. Through learning with elites from a diverse cultural and industry backgrounds, I aspire to become an all-round leader to lead teams and businesses across different regions.