The Future of Education

The Future of Education
Today, there is no reason for an online degree to be less interactive than a traditional course. The DiMBA harnesses technology to help you study efficiently in a cutting-edge digital environment.
Dedicated E-Learning Platform
For lecture-based courses like quantitative or technological skills, you will learn in blended mode. Fit recorded lectures into your timetable for self-paced study (50%) and attend virtual classes live with your classmates (50%).
Better Use of Your Time
You will not be limited by place, nor by the clock. Access course content whenever you need it. The DiMBA is designed to help you make the most of your time—providing flexible scheduling for busy professionals.
Control Your Learning Pace
Work through modules at the right pace. There’s no need to keep in lockstep with other students—on our e-learning platform, you can progress faster than others, or slow down to take your time.
Interactive Classes
In the DiMBA, traditional “one-way” lectures are replaced by short online videos. Live sessions in the Virtual Classroom can thus be fully dedicated to presentations, discussions and idea exchange. This collaborative environment will help you benefit from the experience of your co-learners, who will be accomplished business leaders.