Study Mode

⬡ Watch online lecture videos anytime and anywhere you like so that the live classes can be dedicated to meaningful discussions and presentations. 

Blended Learning

⬡ DiMBA is designed for professionals with a busy schedule. Our blended study mode means you don't need to commit as much time joining regular classes and with a option to choose face-to-face elective courses. 


50% Online Learning + 50% Virtual Classes

Courses that are more lecture-based are delivered in a blended learning mode. You could go through short lecture videos by faculty and learning exercises online at your own pace during the week before joining virtual classes with your classmates and professors.


100% Virtual Classes

Courses that focus more on discussions or soft skill training, e.g. Communication or Leadership, are delivered completely in virtual live classes to facilitate discussions and presentations. 


Face-to-Face Classes

If your schedule allows, you can also enroll in face-to-face elective courses on campus subject to availability and learn together with students from other study modes. 


Class Schedule

⬡ The course timetable is designed with your work schedule in mind.

MBA Cores

Typically arranged on Saturday mornings from 9:00am to 1:00pm under normal circumstances so you can have the afternoon free for yourself. 

Flexible Cores and Electives

Available in weekend daytime (from 9:00am to 5:30pm) or weekday evenings (from 7:00pm onwards). You can choose the courses that best match your interests and schedule. 

Sample Weekly Timetable

⬡ Here is how a typical week may look like for you. The actual workload will be different for each student depending on the course requirements and your familiarity with the subject. 

MWorkLunch with colleagueWorkWatch online short lecture videos
TWorkJoin online industry talkWorkFree time for self
WRead textbook on flight Business tripBusiness tripDinner with client
ThBusiness tripBusiness tripBusiness tripVirtual Class for Managerial Accounting
FBusiness tripLunch with local alumniRead case for tomorrow's
class on flight
Free time for self
SVirtual Class for Strategic ManagementLunch with familyDiscuss project with your teamFree time for self
SWork on assignmentLunch with friendsFree time for self/familyComplete online learning exercises

Typical Workload of a MBA course per week

⬡ Actual commitment varies across different courses and students' own study progress

HKUST Business School

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